I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fire Station

Play group went to the Fire station on Wednesday afternoon. Craven had a blast hanging out in the Fire truck and did not want to get out. The firemen were very nice and tolerant of being overrun by kids 4 and under. One fireman dressed up in full gear (tank and all). They do this to get the kids used to seeing them dressed so the kids wont be as afraid if they ever have to be rescued. The fireman got on all fours and slowly crawled around near the kids. The kids were encouraged to go up and touch the fireman. Some did others did not. Craven was fine with everything (siren included) , but he was not so fond of the fully dressed fireman. Maybe next time he wont mind.
I posted pictures at the bottom of blog.
We went to the park afterward until he started crying b/c his throat hurt. Still hates the meds.
Today Craven was coloring with the washable colors his Grammy brought him. He dropped them on the floor and I figured I would pick them up later. When I went to pick them up I only found one. I ask Randall if he picked them up and he had not. Well, Ella (our dog) ate them. Yes she like to eat colors. So just a warning for anyone with kids and dogs. They will eat colors and play dough!

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Fire Station Fun 2009

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