I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Full Weekend

This weekend we had tons to do. Yesterday we went to Matthews birthday party at the Rainbow room. USA baby's store that has a back room with a indoor play jungle gym thingy that you can rent out and have as many kids as you want. Matthew turned 4 and was very sweet to Craven. When juices were passed out he noticed Craven had not gotten one yet and he gave him his unopened one. Lisa he gets brownie points for that. LOL Craven had a blast!
Today we went to Presley's baptism. Craven and (girlfriend) Allie played in the nursery and when I picked them up I was told they were very good. When we left the nursery I told them to "hold hands and don't let go" and they held hands all the way back to the chapel. Very cute.
While waiting for lunch...
Allie was feeding m & m's to Craven and kissing him. She loves to hug, kiss and feed him, but (boy that he is) he never seems to mind. It's very cute and too funny. Look out Sarah and Justin they just might marry one day:)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Just a note

Sorry I have not updated lately, but at least I have changed the Christmas music. LOL
Craven is getting over a double ear infection and a cough. He's a trouper cause he does not let you know very often that he is sick.
He is so cute. He looks at me and I think I am looking at Randall cause Cravens eyes are almond shape just like his and he has his long eye lashes too. Some of the cute things he does....
He bounces around on his toes all day long. He laughs and It really is contagious. He'll push a chair up where his corner of snack are on the counter and ask "Please" for something. Then he will push the chair back before he eats his snack. He'll get in bed and pull the cover up and then pat the bed for me to sit with him. If he's watching TV and I sit beside him he will reach up and hug me.
Just a few things out of sooo many to give you a little update:)

Fire Station Fun 2009

Christmas Fun

Thanksgiving Fun!

Holloween Fun!

Pumpkin Fun!