I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Last night Craven went to sleep around 10:45 and guess what, he slept all night. Randall said he had to wake him up around 9:30 this am. Bad news is he fell a sleep at 10 to 7:00 tonight and he will not stay a sleep. Ugh! I step forward one and a step a gazillion back.
Craven found Randall's spray water bottle (for the grill) on the porch and would turn it on himself and spray. He thought it was soo funny and it was to watch. We videoed it.
I worked today and Randall kept Craven. When I got home Randall left to run. I was cleaning the laundry room and I got some disinfectant wipes out form under the cabinet and left the door open for two seconds. Craven of course takes it upon himself to get out the Clorox clean up and 409 spray. He spayed himself with the bleach and was on the verge of doing the same with the 409 when I caught him. Ugh again! I striped him down and washed him off and put new clothes on him. The shirt had to be thrown out and the shorts should be too, but I kept them. That is the third shirt this week that I had to throw away! Then Craven wanted to go outside and I was glad. I put him out and finished what I was doing. I always look outside periodically to check on him and usually he is fine. He was fine this time its just that he found his bubbles and dumped the whole bottle on himself (very small bottle) and I had to change him again. UUUUUUHG!
I do love him anyway.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Wednesday we had a play date at the house. Thankfully the rain held out until today. Craven was pretty cranky all day for what ever reason. I hurt my foot pretty good. Otherwise it seemed to be a good play date.

Tuesday Grammy watched Craven while I went and had lunch with some friends. Thank you. When I went to pick him up Joyce showed me a place (she noticed when I dropped him off) behind his ear that had a scab, well until he picked it off anyway. I figured I would just keep an eye on it.

Wednesday morning when I was getting Craven dressed I noticed that the area was a little red and raised. I thought I'll keep a closer eye on it. We went in to see the EENT for Cravens 2 week recheck from surgery. All is well and he was released. Yeah! Later that day people for the play date started to arrive & I noticed that the area was red and filled with fluid. So, you can see that once again we were going to have to visit the doctor and not for his 2 year check up.
Wednesday night around midnight Craven woke up screaming (not a night terror b/c he knew us) for 30 minutes, terrible none the less. Well, I noticed he had a swollen area on the other side behind his ear. All kinds of things went through my head. He did not have a fever or any other symptom thankfully. To the doctor we went today and he has a staph infection. They prescribed a ointment to try before we put him on anything else. Which is good since Craven wont even look a a syringe now. When I went to pick up the script it was $60.00. Are you kidding me? Needless to say I let them keep there ointment. I called the doctor and left a message about trying a different one hopefully. No word yet.
When we left the doctor office we were going to go pick up Ella from the kennel and x-ray my foot (not broken just deeply bruised). We had a little time to kill before my friend was getting back to the clinic from lunch so I thought I'll take Craven to chifila and I can eat and he can play. When I went to get him out he was a sleep and had vomit all over him. Nasty milk vomit. Me who carriers everything had no extra clothes in the car and had a mismatched shirt and short in the diaper bag. At least I had that. I woke him up and changed him then we went in and he ate some and played and has not vomited since. Very strange. I know that my allergies are very bad (itchy,watery eyes, sinus and cough). Craven has similar issues right now to. Poor guy can't get a brake.


Sunday was Mothers day and we also decided to celebrate Cravens birthday too. Randall said Craven wanted him to make me pancakes and bacon for Mothers day breakfast. That was my gift. LOL
Grammy & Papa, Aunt Carolyn and cousins Annabelle & Addison came over to celebrate. We had smoked ribs and chicken.
Carolyn, and the girls got Craven a couple of really cool books. Thank you.
Grammy and Papa got him a really cool Mac truck that holds hot wheels; a toolbox to hold cars/trucks; a cute pop up book and a few outfits. Thank you. The funny thing was when Craven started to open the gift that was clothes, as soon as he saw a peek of the clothes he tried to put the wrapping paper back. It was a true video moment that was missed. Annabelle finished opening them for him. It was truly priceless.
All in all I would say a good Mothers day and Birthday.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Today is Cravens 2ND birthday. We went to Chick-flia and ate lunch and played. We will celebrate his birthday on Mothers day. I don't think we will make a habit of celebrating them together, but so far we have been.
Yesterday he did not have to have any pain meds until 3:00am this morning. Yeah! He has been sleeping better already, so we are crossing our fingers that once he is no longer waking from pain that he will sleep all night.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fire Station

Play group went to the Fire station on Wednesday afternoon. Craven had a blast hanging out in the Fire truck and did not want to get out. The firemen were very nice and tolerant of being overrun by kids 4 and under. One fireman dressed up in full gear (tank and all). They do this to get the kids used to seeing them dressed so the kids wont be as afraid if they ever have to be rescued. The fireman got on all fours and slowly crawled around near the kids. The kids were encouraged to go up and touch the fireman. Some did others did not. Craven was fine with everything (siren included) , but he was not so fond of the fully dressed fireman. Maybe next time he wont mind.
I posted pictures at the bottom of blog.
We went to the park afterward until he started crying b/c his throat hurt. Still hates the meds.
Today Craven was coloring with the washable colors his Grammy brought him. He dropped them on the floor and I figured I would pick them up later. When I went to pick them up I only found one. I ask Randall if he picked them up and he had not. Well, Ella (our dog) ate them. Yes she like to eat colors. So just a warning for anyone with kids and dogs. They will eat colors and play dough!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Last night was awful. Craven kept waking up in pain. So, it it not an option to stop his meds, but giving them is not much of an option either. I feel so bad for him b/c I don't think he has truly been pain free this whole time. He does not understand that the meds make him feel better. He is suppose to get 1 tsp every 4 hours and the doctor upped the dose to 2 tsp every 4 hours. Well, we decided to try 1.5 tsp first and go from there if he needed more. It helped until he got harder to give it to (meaning immediately upon upping the dose). By the time we hold him down and try to get him to take it he gets less than a fourth of a tsp at a time. I am going mad. Its next to impossible to give the meds by my self. Last night he was so bad that when I would try to give him meds he would only get a little. So he kept waking up. Finally this am I could not take it anymore and I got Randall to help me again and we got a little more down him this time. I try to manage his pain with Motrin in between but he will not take it. I physically can not hold all his limbs, head, mouth and give him the meds. He wears it I wear it and it makes me very stressed out.
Grammy called today and said she would come over to visit with him for a little while. Yeah! If I would have been more motivated I probably would have gone over there.
Well, I have to go and clean the Motrin off of me and him once again....

Monday, May 4, 2009

Surgery Day

I set my alarm for 4:30 to be ready to leave for the hospital by 5:20. Craven usually wakes up several times a night on a good night. He fell a sleep at 11:30 and I did not sleep well worried that he would wake up any minute and want his milk. Even though I got little sleep , luck was with me and he did not wake up until I got into the shower. Before I could get out of the shower he woke up and was wanting his milk "Milk , Milk, Please?" Once out of the shower I told him he could not have any milk and put him back into bed and turned on the TV. Every once in a while he would ask me again "Milk, Milk, and then Pleeease" and I would have to tell him no. Broke my heart. I am thankful that he did not have a break down about it though. Once Craven and I where dressed and everything was in the car off we went. He stayed awake up until we were put into a holding room. I got him changed into the gown (it had fishes on it) and then layed on the bed with him. He fell a sleep. I got out of the bed and put him in it and he still did not wake up. He stayed a sleep the whole time, the nurse told me later that he did not even wake up when they put him under. When they were taking him into surgery they asked me if he was giving anything b/c he was so out of it.
Surgery went very quick and he did great. The doctor said his tonsils were huge and wold have probably blocked his breathing if we would have waited until next year for surgery. They said they would get us when he wakes so he would not be afraid. They never came and got us. We were informed they were waiting on a room to be available. 2 hours. When I met them in the hall to go to the room, the nurse said he did great waking up, he just kept looking around, otherwise they would have gotten us. Randall left me to go to work while I was waiting on the room.
Once in the room they gave him oral Tylenol with codeine and IV morphine. Saying he hated getting the oral meds is an under statement. Oh he hated them. Anyway, after that he was ready to go bounce out of bed. When he got the oral pain meds he would scream and then I would have to hold him for 30 minutes while he cried and whimpered. Very sad:(
He could have the oral pain meds every 4 hours. Well they would wear off around 2 & 1/2 hours. I would sit holding him for 1 & 1/2 hours while he cried and whimpered. When he could have the meds, I would call the nurses station and sometime they not tell the nurse and it would be even longer before he got anything. I should have been better about it. I should have known that if they called the Doctor they could up the oral pain med dose. One time, I asked for pain meds and they said it was to early to give him his oral pain meds and I told them "Can't your give him something, he is in pain" , they said "oh yeah some morphine". That was around 10:30 that night. I thought all this time when the oral pain meds wore off he could have been getting other pain meds to help him. Why did I not know this!
He would drink a little water, tea and ate a little Popsicle, but they never offered him ice cream. Not sure why. I ordered it on his tray and he ate a little of that, plus he ate some of the chocolate cake I ordered for my self. This chocolate cake was awful and had chocolate syrup poured on top. Can I just say hospital food is not very good.
My friend Sarah came to see us around 7:00pm which was good b/c I had not left the room all day and couldn't b/c I had to stay with Craven. Randall had still not come back since that morning. When she got there I went to the car and got out the DVD's and suitcase. Let me tell you it took me 20 minutes to get to the car and back b/c I got lost leaving the room and then lost coming back to the room. Randall came about 7:30 and stayed until 9:30.
I was very tired and he only took a very short nap around 3:00 that afternoon. so I did not get any sleep. As the day wore on and we where heading to 10:00pm and later I kept falling a sleep. Very short naps (10 minutes at a time) Now you see, I was in bed with Craven b/c he wanted me to hold him a lot and there was room. He stayed a wake too. I fell apparently fell a sleep and woke up with blood all over me and Craven. Yes he pulled out his catheter. Thankfully he did not have to have another on put in. He finally fell a sleep at 4:00am or so and slept until 8:00am. The doctor came by and told us as long as he had wet diapers and been drinking he could go home. yeah! Well, they were no hurry to discharge us. I finally had to go and ask the nurse if she would make sure and give him another dose of meds before we leave. We got out around 11:45. Craven was wheeled out and he was very happy about leaving.
The hospital did not have a pharmacy and I was not going to go all the way to Smyrna to get his script filled, so I went to the nearest Walgreen's and had to wait 45 minutes.
Finally got home and around 1:00 and had a 1 & 1/2 hour wait before I could give Craven his next dose of meds. I had to hold him while he cried and whimpered the whole time. Then I had to fight him to give him the meds and then once again hold him b/c he was crying and whimpering from having the meds given. I felt so bad for him.
Since his meds kept wearing off early I called the doctor and they upped the dose, which worked much better, but the struggling to give the meds got worse. Randall and I would have to lay on him and put his arms behind his head, blow in his face, and force the meds in his mouth while he is kicking, screaming, fighting, spewing and not swallowing the meds. I mean we tried everything and yelling did not work either. I would be very stressed when we were done.
He still is in some pain, but not as much and hopefully it will be less tomorrow b/c we can't give meds. We have given up and if you go through what we have been you would be of the same mind.
I will add pictures later.

Fire Station Fun 2009

Christmas Fun

Thanksgiving Fun!

Holloween Fun!

Pumpkin Fun!