I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, April 5, 2009


A pretty good day. I worked and Randall watched Craven. I always tell Randall that he can always take Craven somewhere when he is watching him, that he does not have to stay home. Well, he did this time. Where might you ask? The Beer Store, yes that's right The Beer Store. Teaching him early. Very cute and too funny. Of course when it came time to make the beer he was not going to let him help or show him how. Don't blame him there, it would be asking for trouble.
Then Aunt Carolyn called and found the fabric I need to make Craven a few more woobies (blankie). Thank goodness:) Thank you Aunt Carolyn! Craven will be most appreciative:) I posted pictures of Craven and his "Woobie". He likes to tuck it under him when he sleeps or throws it over his face. When he walks around with it he likes to throw it over his shoulder (like Linus) or he puts it up to his face and grabs whatever else he wants at the time (sippy cup, car) to carry. We say "I got my blankie and that's all I need, then I got my blankie and my sippy cup and that's all I need" He even walks all slow and pitiful like. Pretty funny. Now he just stared to use it to clean up messes. When he makes a mess and I see it and say "Oh Craven" he grabs it and uses it to clean up the mess. I usually stop and think I need to take a picture, but the mess always wins out.

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