I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Last Easter Craven and I went to Sunrise service at church and he was all over the place, this year we did not make it:( Craven had two Easter egg hunts this year and he had a blast at both. One was with his play group friends and one was at his Grammy's and Papas. The egg hunt at Grammy's Craven decided to leave his basket in one spot while he went around collecting eggs and bringing them back to the basket. It was too funny.
We went to Grammy's and Papa's for Easter, egg hunt and dinner. The Easter bunny brought his basket to Grammys and he loved it. Candy and cars, his favorite things. Uncle John (home safe:), Aunt Carolyn, cousins Annabelle and Addison were there too! Craven had a blast with Annabelle, but I'm not so sure she had the same feeling about it. Craven plays a little to ruff with Annabelle. I know sometimes its an accident, but other times he thinks he is playing. Poor Annabelle, Craven does love you I promise:)

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