I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 28, 2008


We celebrated Christmas in Tennessee this year. Uncle Kurt, Aunt Sharon, cousins Caroline & Nathan along with Uncle John, Aunt Carolyn, and cousin Annabelle & Addison.
We celebrated Grammys 70th birthday on the 23rd. Very special birthday dinner. Thanks to all.
Also on the 23rd, we found out that cousin Addison has RSV (she is 5 weeks old). Instead of trekking back to Clarksville for the Dr appointment, John and Carolyn ended up taking her to Vandy's children's hospital. As of now she is still there. Please keep her in your thoughts.
Uncle John and Aunt Carolyn took turns trekking back and forth to the hospital all during Christmas and we missed all three of them, but are glad that cousin Addison is doing well. She is Thankfully only in a oxygen bubble and having mucus sucked out (a lot of it). She has thankfully dodged the IV, Trachea tube etc. We can't wait to see her well again!
Craven had a wonderful time with all of his cousins, uncles, aunts, Grammy & Papa. With only a few meltdowns of course.
From Santa.... a little people zoo and airplane, fire hat and stocking full of candy and two small trucks.
From us....... 4 little Tonka trucks, a frog hooded towel.
From Aunt Mona..... 3 Dr Seuss books and a Wall-E movie. Thank you!
From Uncle Ken, Aunt Cindy and cousins Kenny & Bradley.......target gift certificate. Thank You!
From Uncle Benton and Aunt Lisa..... a sweater, 2 long sleeve shirts, (one having Thomas the train on it), a target gift certificate. Thanks ya'll!
From Grammy and Papa.... A wagon, big truck and.....
Santa at Grammys and Papas.....stocking full of small trucks, flashlight and candy. Thank you!
From Uncle Kurt, Aunt Sharon and cousins Nathan & Caroline....... "Cars" sleeping bag (in a bag backpack), "Cars" bath things, and "Cars" car holder that also shoots them out. I Also believe candy. Thank You!
From Uncle John, Aunt Carolyn and cousins Annabelle & Addison....
1st remote control car and 6pk little tonka trucks. I also believe stickers and a activity book and candy too. Thank you!
From "Aunt" Bridget ...... Cowboy snowman stocking and a wagon ornament. Thank You!
Craven Thanks all of you!!!!!
Randall and I Thank you all too.
We also Thank you all for being involved with and loving him. That is the best gift of all!

Things I wish I would have done for Craven.......
I did not take Craven to see Santa.
No pictures..... We lost our camera about a week ago and still can not find it. Thankfully Grammy and the Aunts and Uncles took some at Grammys house, but none on christmas morning at home.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bad Day?

I was trying to get one of many things done that I need to do this week. Craven has been a little cranky lately (getting over a cold). He was playing by himself and would want chips, me to hold him or something, on and off through out the morning. No big deal.
Well, I went into the office for a few minutes (really only a few minutes) and noticed he was quite, when I found him he was sitting at his little table eating out of the pringles can, which he had between his legs, with no pants or diaper on. With a strait face, I told him that if he needed to pee to make sure he went to the potty. For one thing I forgot the bathroom door was shut and for the next I got busy and did not continue to ask him every 5 seconds if he had to pee. Thank goodness for per-go! Yes, he peed on the floor. I then chased a laughing Craven down and put a diaper and pants back on him. I got busy again and noticed he sat back at his little table and was eating from the pringles can again. It was lunch time and I made him a piece of crust-less peanut butter bread. At this point he was very tired. I went back to working. I look up and he is sitting at his little table (facing away from me) swaying and nodding. I go around and look at him and he is just about asleep, but still eating his bread, smearing it all over his nose and mouth. Very cute and yucky! I try to help him finish and that's all it took to make him mad. So, I let him finish then cleaned him up. I gave him a drink and proceeded to get him dressed and go to the store. I figured he would go to sleep if not now then in the car and be a sleep at the store (yes, sometimes I am that lucky). Well, I dress him and laid him down. He gets up and starts to play again. I go back to finish up what I was doing before I throw on some clothes and leave to the store. Literally a few minutes later I finish up decide to go get dressed. I go into the living room and Craven is in the dirty fireplace playing "Trucks ". Ashes all over him! I did not know what to do. I did stop and think "its fun to him". I was so mad though, and when I yelled "Craven" he did not move. He kept searching for his truck. When I pulled him away and ashes got everywhere I yelled again! He just looked at me with a sad tired little face and said "Truck". I almost laughed, but I was soooo mad. I just could not laugh. Then I thought I should take a picture, but I knew he would not stay put (plus we can't find our camera). I striped him right there. Called Randall to complain about his son! Randall asks "is that Craven laughing". Yes, Craven was in the back ground laughing. After complaining, I then chased Craven around to redress him. Dressed myself and went to the store. No, Craven did not fall a sleep in the car, he was wide awake in the store and having a good ole time making all kinds of very loud noises. Thankfully he went to sleep on the way home and did not wake up when I took him out of the car. He is still sleeping now. Yeah!
It is amazing how much I love him, it almost makes me forget, but most definitely out ways anything he does that makes me sooo mad!
I really would not change him for the world, but I would like to have more patients in certain situations.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

1st Parade

Today Craven went to his first parade. Our good freind (aunt)Bridget, Craven and I went to the Murfreesboro Christmas Parade. It was windy but, not to cold which made a great day.
Craven got to see bands, dancing girls, fire trucks, horses, dogs, clowns, and much much more. Plus get lots and lots of candy. He had a great time!

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I am finally on what we did for Thanksgiving.
Usually for the holidays everyone (on the Ruppel side) rotates who they spend them with. As for us we have always stayed home (in TN) for Thanksgiving.
To Grammy and Papas house we go.....
Uncle John and Aunt Carolyn and Cousin Annabelle where suppose to be in NC with his folks this year, but with the possible early arrival of Cousin Addison, they decided to stay in town. Great for us, but I know Johns side really missed them. On the upside, they did the right thing cause Cousin Addison wanted to be here for Thanksgiving dinner too!
Anyway, we were all at Grammies and Papas and we got to meet cousin Addison for the first time and she was/is precious. Craven got to play with cousin Annabelle and had a great time. We had a wonderful dinner.
We are very Thankful we have Craven and all our Families.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby Addison:o)

I am a little late on this. But better late than never.

Addison is here, Addison Is Here, ADDISON IS HERE! Yeah!!!!!!

Uncle John, Aunt Carolyn, and Cousin Annabelle welcome Cousin Addison into their(our) family! THANK YOU to Amber! An amazingly special person:o)

Addison was a little early but healthy, perfect and beautiful to boot. As we knew she would be! Born November 20th at 9:29pm, weighing 6lbs 11oz & 18in 3/4


Saturday, December 6, 2008

I just have to share

Yesterday I took Craven to get a 2ND official hair cut (I usually cut it) and let me tell you he looks totally different. I have mixed feelings about. I like it, but he looks so grown up now. We went to the mall playground. When we first got there Craven went off to play and I look up and thought "that boy has the same shirt on as Craven", before I finished the thought I realized it was Craven.
This was too funny.... Let me say Poor Craven now.
I went to eat lunch at Red Robins. Craven only eats french fries. Surprise, surprise. If you have kids they will bring out hot fries while you wait for your food. Craven was so hungry he grabbed one. I told him they were hot and he still proceeded to try and eat it. I know everyone knows what someone looks like when they try to eat something hot. Well its 10 times funnier when its a kid. Poor Craven.
Well he finally got just enough of the hot potato part in his mouth and he screamed. I mean eyes closed, mouth open, fist closed (around a hot fry), body shaking, kinda scream. Before I could take it away from him he proceeded to put it in his mouth again, then screamed again and he kept doing it and kept screaming. Sick I know but by then we were almost in tears cause it was so funny. I finally got him some ketchup which help to cool the rest down. In my defense he would not let me take it and he was determined to eat the hot french fry!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I promise that I will do some back posting very soon. I have lots of things to add. Hopefully I wont forget them by the time I do post. LOL Just bare with me. I am working out all the kinks on the picture issues I am having. All the new post have pictures that I want to add and it's very time consuming and frustrating at the same time. So keep looking. I promise that by the new year I will be on track and post more often.

Fire Station Fun 2009

Christmas Fun

Thanksgiving Fun!

Holloween Fun!

Pumpkin Fun!