I'm Two!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kurts Cabin

Another back issue.....

Uncle Kurt, Aunt Sharon and cousins Nathan & Caroline invited us up to their cabin the weekend before Thanksgiving. The cabin is in Pigeon Forge, 5 minutes away from the main strip, but it still seems to be away from everything. If you go you will know what I mean. It is beautiful and the view is awesome. Did not shop, but I know shopping is great too. I will post a link as soon as I get one.

We had a blast and I think everyone else did to. Having a 18 month old come and visit can be trying. Craven had a blast climbing up/down and on everything.
He also went on his first official big hike. The chimneys. Very steep 2 mile hike. Poor Randall. It had snowed so the trail (already hard) became pretty dangerous. We did not quiet get to the top, but I say everyone did a marvelous job under the circumstances.
We relaxed in the cabin the rest of the time. ;=o)

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