I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Big Day!

Yesterday I took Craven to story time and it was so much fun! They had singing, dancing, a short story and more singing and dancing followed by a quick craft. He got to hang out with his little friends, Allie, Chloe, Spencer, Katelyn, William, Jocelyn, and Riley. We will do that again. Then we headed over to Grammys house. Aunt Carolyn and Uncle John and cousin Annabelle were there too. Uncle John was leaving on a trip. Safe trip John. Carolyn helped me put the blog together and make it sooo much better. If Craven could he would Thank you Auntie Carolyn. So I Thank you for him. Craven and Annabelle got in some much overdue cousin time. They had a wonderful time together. I got to get some Annabelle hugs and kisses. We will have to see cousin Annabelle, soon to come cousin Addison, auntie Carolyn and uncle John much more often. I think we are taking it for granite that they live so close. Grammy got some much need grand kid time in also. I'm sure she had a wonderful time too.
It was a very Big and Happy day!

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