I'm Two!

Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Off to Texas!

We leave for Texas tomorrow (wed) for the Luedecke Christmas. The family has not seen Craven since he was 7 months, so it will be quite a difference.
We only get a chance to see them every other Christmas. We've tried to get to Texas before now, but if we go on any type of trip we just can't go there too!

Craven has started a new thing or word if you will. If you ask him something that requires a yes answer he has started saying "Yea-aah" with a heavy southern accent. I don't know how I feel about it yet, so I correct him and say no it's "Yes".

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just some random things to catch up....

It has once again been forever since I posted anything. Now I am lost to a lot of funny things Craven has said, done, gotten into etc. So I will give some brief highlights of things I can remember in the last several months.

I do not think Craven is lacking in anything, but I do feel sad that I have not gotten Craven a tricycle which most kid's get when they are 18 months and use until they are 3 years old. Now that he is 2 1/2 if I get him a tricycle he will only use it for a short time before he wants a big bike (which he likes to try and ride now). I also wish I would have gotten him a ride on John Deer tractor, he likes to ride Annabell's and anyone else who has one, but he is just about to big for it now. Oh Well, it wont be the last time I will have wished that I gotten him something before he is too big for it.

Things that Ella (our dog) has taught Craven......
How to sleep in a kennel
How to drink out of a water bowel and the pond
How to chase after a frisbe and bring it back in his mouth (very funny)
How to lick and eat things off the floor with his mouth not his hands
How to pee pee and yes, even poop out side (yuck)

Things he learned how to do for Ella.....
Feed her , but not let her get his food (most of the time)
Throw sticks for her
Let her inside and out
Put her in her kennel and shut the door, but he can't lock it yet
Tell her "No Ella" or "Stay Ella" or "Ella, Hush"
Drag her by the collar when he wants her to do something (verry cute)
Knock over her water bowel or sit in it (when he was little) every time its filled

Fourth of July..... We went to the Smyrna Town Fireworks and met Sarah, Justin, Allie and Madison. Craven was a little scared of the fireworks at first, then he liked them. He kept saying "Look, Colors" when they would go off.
On the fourth we had friends and family over for a BBQ and sparklers. Craven did not like the sparklers. Maybe next year.

July 14Th we went to the blueberry patch with Grammy. Met Aunt Carolyn, cousin Annabelle and Addison, also Cerae and her kids. Even though there was not many blueberries left to pick they had a blast.

At 22 months on July 18Th Craven pooped in the potty (first time) with out being told. Very Nice! Still doing it but very randomly. Good for a while then not. Oh Well, Hopefully by the time he's in collage. LOL
He's had the peeing down, it's just if he wants to do it or not is the question. Ugh!

October is the pumpkin patch, always fun. We had our annual play group Halloween party at our house. Craven has named Skeleton's "Trasher" Came up with it on his own, don't know why.

Went to Washington DC for the Marine Marathon 2009. Stayed with Craig and Ian for a couple of days, then stayed with Troy for a couple of days. Had a great time. Craven loved the Zoo and Space Museum. Can't wait to go back. Beautiful place.

We went trick or treating in our neighborhood with.....Sarah, Justin, Justin's Dad, Allie, Madison, Mandy, Chris, Brenden, Evan, Presley, Lisa, Travis, Matthew, Mark, Mindy, and Savannah.

Quiet a group. They had fun, but it was very cold and they did not get to go to many house this year.

Went to Carolyn's for her 40Th birthday party. Happy 40Th Aunt Carolyn!!!

Randall made smoked ribs and Craven ate his first meat after 26 months of just peanut butter and occasional chicken for his protein. It would figure that his first meat would be BBQ. LOL
Few days later ate bite of a hot dog and since has eaten more.

Went to Addison's 1st Birthday. Happy 1st Addison!!! Had a blast playing with Annabelle.

Thanksgiving 2009 with Grammy, Papa, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle John, Uncle Kurt, Aunt Sharon, Cousins Annabell, Addison, Nathan, and Caroline.

Dec 8Th went and decorated Gingerbread houses. Very fun! Craven did a very good job and loved eating the icing!

Ruppel Family Christmas Dec 12Th 2009. Went to Uncle Kurt's and Aunt Sharon's cabin in Pigeon Forge. Stay in Eric's cabin. Lots of food, drinks and gifts. Thanks to all!!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Catching up

Let me just say that it is not easy posting when things happen and then it gets further and further away from the last post. Anyway, I will try to do a little random catching up.

Memorial week! We were going to go camping for a couple of nights and see how it went. Well, Kurt called and asked if we wanted to stay at their cabin and guess what? The cabin won. We went up on Memorial day and stayed until Wed. Craven is still not the best rider, but he is getting better and we had the DVD player (thank you Carolyn & John) which helped a lot. He just fussed the last hour. We got to the cabin and unpacked and made a grocery list. Randall left for the store and I had Craven on the upper deck playing. He went in and I was a little slower to do so. By the time I came in he was no longer up stair with me. I started calling him and went to the second level and the front door was wide open. Panic! As I was running to it Randall is bringing Craven back in. Randall had not left yet, he was sitting in the car playing with the GPS system and looked up and saw Craven standing next to the car. We thought he just did not lock the door before he left. I took Craven in and made sure the door was locked and went back up stair with him. We played for a little while outside on the deck with his cars and his ball. We came back in and Craven ran down stairs. He liked going up and down all the stairs and he definitely needed some exercise. I did not hear anything and started calling Cravens name as I was walking down stairs. I thought he was probably at the bottom floor. Guess again, the door was wide open again! I ran to the door and started yelling for him and he was nowhere. I started to panic thinking do I go up the road or down the road when I heard him call me. He was down the side of the cabin. He was playing with his ball and it must have went down there and he went to get it and got stuck. He was barefooted and there were stickers on the ground. After that time we did not leave him alone on the second floor. The next day we went to cades cove and hiked a little. Craven loved it. Randall saw his first bear (he has never seen one here). It was far away so Craven could not really see it. Then we went and picked up BBQ and went to the little park behind Kroger's. On the last day we went to the Aquarium and Craven liked that too. We left from there to come back home. We stopped for lunch and took it to a near by park (GPS found) to eat and let Craven play some. Before we got to the park Craven was getting really cranky so I gave him some chocolate. Well, when we got to the park and went to get him out he was covered in chocolate. It was very funny, but a lot of mess. Thank you Kurt & Sharon for letting us stay!!!!

Poopy Mess! I was doing the dishes and Craven went outside in just a diaper and was playing on the deck. I could see him from the window as I was cleaning. I look up and I see him taking out a wet wipe. I leave a pack outside sometime b/c I always need one. I went back to cleaning I look up again and he is laying on the deck, wet wipe in one hand trying to stick it down his diaper and I guess clean himself. I laughed and went back to cleaning. The next and last time I look up and he has his diaper off and has a wad of wet wipes and is trying to clean his poopy butt. It was very funny and gross at the same time. I dropped what I was doing and ran out to help him. He has some similar things since.

Pee Pee in the potty! Not so much. When he was younger he was good about peeing in the potty. I did not act on it and now he's not as interested.

I have been trying a little more only b/c he keeps taking off his clothes and diaper. I do believe he is a little confused b/c he will sit on his potty chair and then stand and pee in front of it. Randall has tried to show him hows its done, but he stands up, hence the issues. I have been taking him and standing him on his stool in front of the big potty and singing him a little pee pee song. Now he will sing it too. Very cute, but he still wont go in it. He would rather pee outside in the grass or on the deck.

Sleeping! He does naps pretty well, but usually goes to sleep either in the car or the swing out side unless he is so tired he just passes out. Nighttime ... yes he still does not sleep through the night. He is getting better though. Melatonin does not help. It makes him very cranky before he passes out. Then he wakes up even more times a night screaming.
He still sleeps with me. On the one hand its a pain, but on the other hand I would miss some very cute things he does and says. When we get into bed he use to grab my face with both hands and kiss me "Nite, nite mommy". Now he wants to lay his head in the crook of my arm. He likes to play little games. Ear, nose, mouth, eyes, but he usually points at the eyes and says nose and laughs. He will count to ten and skip one or two numbers. He will say his ABC, which is pretty funny to hear. He will start talking to me "Mommy" and then tell me something that I may or may not understand. He sometimes wakes up and starts talking to me the same way and I'm like you should be a sleep and he says " um well" laughs and goes back to sleep. I would like to sleep again sometime, but I am very glad that I have not missed this.

2 year check up! Craven is 35.5% in weight and 68% in height. Everything seems to be on tract. He has had no side affects from having his surgery. He is eating better too, believe it or not.

Farm! We went to a dairy farm with the play group. Sever storms where coming but suppose to stop really quickly We all decided to wait on the porch of the dairy until the storm passed. Once passed another bit of rain was going to hit, but we thought the tour would be over before it came. I took the wagon so Craven and another little boy (Marc who is beginning to walk) could ride in it. Craven did not want to get out. He got out to feed the cows, well throw food at them anyway and jump back into the wagon. Too funny! The rain came again while on tour and we stayed in one of the buildings and they brought us samples of milk and butter. When the rain stopped we all headed back to the cars and another cloud opened up on us and we where loading cars in the down pour. Wet, a little messy but no worse for wear. We had a great time!

Thats all I can think of for now.

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Last night Craven went to sleep around 10:45 and guess what, he slept all night. Randall said he had to wake him up around 9:30 this am. Bad news is he fell a sleep at 10 to 7:00 tonight and he will not stay a sleep. Ugh! I step forward one and a step a gazillion back.
Craven found Randall's spray water bottle (for the grill) on the porch and would turn it on himself and spray. He thought it was soo funny and it was to watch. We videoed it.
I worked today and Randall kept Craven. When I got home Randall left to run. I was cleaning the laundry room and I got some disinfectant wipes out form under the cabinet and left the door open for two seconds. Craven of course takes it upon himself to get out the Clorox clean up and 409 spray. He spayed himself with the bleach and was on the verge of doing the same with the 409 when I caught him. Ugh again! I striped him down and washed him off and put new clothes on him. The shirt had to be thrown out and the shorts should be too, but I kept them. That is the third shirt this week that I had to throw away! Then Craven wanted to go outside and I was glad. I put him out and finished what I was doing. I always look outside periodically to check on him and usually he is fine. He was fine this time its just that he found his bubbles and dumped the whole bottle on himself (very small bottle) and I had to change him again. UUUUUUHG!
I do love him anyway.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Wednesday we had a play date at the house. Thankfully the rain held out until today. Craven was pretty cranky all day for what ever reason. I hurt my foot pretty good. Otherwise it seemed to be a good play date.

Tuesday Grammy watched Craven while I went and had lunch with some friends. Thank you. When I went to pick him up Joyce showed me a place (she noticed when I dropped him off) behind his ear that had a scab, well until he picked it off anyway. I figured I would just keep an eye on it.

Wednesday morning when I was getting Craven dressed I noticed that the area was a little red and raised. I thought I'll keep a closer eye on it. We went in to see the EENT for Cravens 2 week recheck from surgery. All is well and he was released. Yeah! Later that day people for the play date started to arrive & I noticed that the area was red and filled with fluid. So, you can see that once again we were going to have to visit the doctor and not for his 2 year check up.
Wednesday night around midnight Craven woke up screaming (not a night terror b/c he knew us) for 30 minutes, terrible none the less. Well, I noticed he had a swollen area on the other side behind his ear. All kinds of things went through my head. He did not have a fever or any other symptom thankfully. To the doctor we went today and he has a staph infection. They prescribed a ointment to try before we put him on anything else. Which is good since Craven wont even look a a syringe now. When I went to pick up the script it was $60.00. Are you kidding me? Needless to say I let them keep there ointment. I called the doctor and left a message about trying a different one hopefully. No word yet.
When we left the doctor office we were going to go pick up Ella from the kennel and x-ray my foot (not broken just deeply bruised). We had a little time to kill before my friend was getting back to the clinic from lunch so I thought I'll take Craven to chifila and I can eat and he can play. When I went to get him out he was a sleep and had vomit all over him. Nasty milk vomit. Me who carriers everything had no extra clothes in the car and had a mismatched shirt and short in the diaper bag. At least I had that. I woke him up and changed him then we went in and he ate some and played and has not vomited since. Very strange. I know that my allergies are very bad (itchy,watery eyes, sinus and cough). Craven has similar issues right now to. Poor guy can't get a brake.


Sunday was Mothers day and we also decided to celebrate Cravens birthday too. Randall said Craven wanted him to make me pancakes and bacon for Mothers day breakfast. That was my gift. LOL
Grammy & Papa, Aunt Carolyn and cousins Annabelle & Addison came over to celebrate. We had smoked ribs and chicken.
Carolyn, and the girls got Craven a couple of really cool books. Thank you.
Grammy and Papa got him a really cool Mac truck that holds hot wheels; a toolbox to hold cars/trucks; a cute pop up book and a few outfits. Thank you. The funny thing was when Craven started to open the gift that was clothes, as soon as he saw a peek of the clothes he tried to put the wrapping paper back. It was a true video moment that was missed. Annabelle finished opening them for him. It was truly priceless.
All in all I would say a good Mothers day and Birthday.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Birthday Boy!

Today is Cravens 2ND birthday. We went to Chick-flia and ate lunch and played. We will celebrate his birthday on Mothers day. I don't think we will make a habit of celebrating them together, but so far we have been.
Yesterday he did not have to have any pain meds until 3:00am this morning. Yeah! He has been sleeping better already, so we are crossing our fingers that once he is no longer waking from pain that he will sleep all night.

Fire Station Fun 2009

Christmas Fun

Thanksgiving Fun!

Holloween Fun!

Pumpkin Fun!